So in about March/April I really just felt burnout. Mostly it was the frustration of the micro rooting taking on a life of itself in the reborn world. I came into reborning when things were still jab but transitoning into micro rooting. I didn't jab root but I was in no way a one hair per perfect follicle in a perfect row rooter either. I was more a hand rooter as some follicles could have 3 hairs. So I just got slower and slower at reborning and the fun was being dragged out it. Add to that a major backache so sitting to root was agony, the hours of work and no market left for reborns made me say enough I need to step away. I had a whole room of reborning stuff looking at me too. I cleared that room and now it's a family room. I have now started to paint at my own slow no pressure pace a kit here and there when the urge strikes. The painting was the part I actually really enjoyed. I finished a Jarome May unassembled kit with painted hair that I put on etsy with the mindset if he doesn't sell he doesn't sell. I never had a hoard of kits but would keep maybe 5 occasionally but even having more than one was saying to me finish up the one I'm working on because another is waiting. So after a LONG break of no reborning where I really thought I was completely done I decided to go back to painting at my own pace for a creative release. After completing Jarome I bought an Alexa Blick because my first desire was sold out. But the next day the other kit was available again. It was Nala Faber which I wanted because a smiling baby I had never done and wanted to do something differnt but at my own pace. So I have put Alexa in the WAY back of the closet and trying to put her out of my mind, but I will NOT buy any more kits.(Okay I'm lying I willl absolutely buy any Natalie Scholl kit that releases) If Nala isn't done til February well February it is. I decided to reborn for my own enjoyment like I used to and MAYBE offer up the final reborn. My new reborning thoughts are NO PRESSURE on myself to finish a baby EVER.
Btw should anyone want to check out Jarome follow the link Painted Jarome kit here>